Vidéaste pendant quelques années pour un groupe de musique, je me suis toujours intéressée au rapport du temps et de l'espace, le son devenait matière et formait un tout avec la couleur et la lumière.
C'est le besoin de la couleur qui me pousse de nouveau à peindre, m'inspirant de la nature. Elle devient omniprésente dans mon travail, les touches de couleurs s’opposent et deviennent fleurs, feuilles et paysages imaginaires.
Mon travail s’inscrit dans un art expressionniste où le geste devient trace d’un souvenir vécu, entre figuration et abstraction, reflet d'une image passée.
Diplômée des Beaux-arts et de la Faculté d’arts plastiques, je travaille actuellement à Tours.
Videographer for a few years for a music group, I have always been interested in the relationship between time and space, sound became matter and formed a whole with color and light. It is the need for color that pushes me to paint again, taking inspiration from nature. It becomes omnipresent in my work, the touches of color oppose each other and become flowers, leaves and imaginary landscapes. My work is part of an expressionist art where the gesture becomes a trace of a lived memory, between figuration and abstraction, reflection of a past image. A graduate of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Plastic Arts, I am currently working in Tours.
Videographer for a few years for a music group, I have always been interested in the relationship between time and space, sound became matter and formed a whole with color and light. It is the need for color that pushes me to paint again, taking inspiration from nature. It becomes omnipresent in my work, the touches of color oppose each other and become flowers, leaves and imaginary landscapes. My work is part of an expressionist art where the gesture becomes a trace of a lived memory, between figuration and abstraction, reflection of a past image. A graduate of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Plastic Arts, I am currently working in Tours.